Negligent driving can be a wide term that includes speeding and drunk driving. Any kind of act that endanger the lives of the driver themselves and other commuters on the road can be called negligent driving.
In short, negligent drivers are drivers who fail to pay attention to their surroundings or other drivers. This can lead them to incorrect judgments and not paying enough attention to avoid potential hazards. You can Learn more about different forms of negligent driving from this post.
The following are the most common forms of negligent driving that lead to car accidents in Louisville:
- Distracted driving
Distracted driving occurs when a driver is not paying enough attention to their surroundings, the road, and other traffic. Most of the time distracted drivers are not aware that they are being distracted. Distracted driving has become one of the main causes of car accidents in Louisville. The most common distractions while driving include texting, talking over the phone, eating, grooming, and adjusting the volume of the music player.
- Drunk driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol is also a dangerous act for motorists. Being drunk can lead to some serious accidents that could have been prevented. Intoxicated driving impairs your driving judgment, increases your reaction time, and causes drowsiness.
- Speeding
Speeding is one of the most common ways to get into an accident. As much as possible, avoid driving above the set speed limit or exceeding the time limit set by your state laws. Speeding can reduce your reaction time if you are faced with a hazard on the road. So, it is important to consider the speed limit set by the state laws while you are driving.
- Disobeying traffic rules and regulations
If you fail to obey the traffic lights, signs, and stop signs, then it can be considered another dangerous act that can lead to accidents. Know the traffic rules and follow them to avoid getting into accidents.
- Changing lanes recklessly
Changing lanes recklessly in an intersection or at a busy curve can lead you to an accident. You should change your lane only when there is sufficient space, and do not change lanes if the traffic flow is too fast. Moreover, you better use your vehicle’s indicators to inform the vehicles behind you when you are about to change lanes.
- Tailgating
Tailgating is an unsafe practice that can be lethal for other drivers. You should not follow the vehicle in front of you too closely and always give adequate space to other drivers to avoid rear-end collisions.